Text : One globe one ocean, with a texture of sea, and a pinguin

The Vendée Globe aims to use the media impact of the event to raise public awareness of ocean conservation throughout the round-the-world race. By sailing around the world, the Vendée Globe sailors are highlighting the fragility of our oceans faced with global warming. They are direct witnesses to the changes underway, particularly around Antarctica, a region that is under particular threat.

In brief

United Nations World Oceans Day will be will be celebrated in the village of New York Vendée race

Glacier en Antarctique

Icebergs, navigation and sea level

In the old days, icebergs in the Antarctic could completely disrupt shipping routes. Today, the number of icebergs is directly linked to changes in sea levels.


is the average temperature of the ocean


The ocean covers 70% of the surface of our planet

Kojiro Shiraishi Vendée Globe 2020

UNESCO and the Vendée Globe: together for a better understanding of the ocean

As part of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), the Vendée Globe and UNESCO are joining forces to mark a new milestone after ten years of joint efforts between UNESCO and the IMOCA Class.

Terre Adélie

Discover the Antarctic with Polar Journal

From the Cape of Good Hope onwards, the Vendée Globe skippers will gradually come across the Southern Ocean, with its bodies of water circling Antarctica. To mark the occasion, the Vendée Globe and PolarJournal, a specialist news outlet on the polar regions, are bringing you on board to discover…

10 commitments |Vendée Globe 2024

With Ifremer, scientists get into the race!

Scientists and sailors are keen to learn more about and preserve the ocean, which is under threat from climate change and plastic pollution. This commitment is underlined this year by the partnership between Ifremer and the Vendée Globe, aimed at raising awareness of the major challenges facing…

Adélie penguins in Terre Adélie

The TAAF Austral Islands: the Vendée Globe's ice gate

More than 250 years after the discovery of the Crozet and Kerguelen archipelagos by sailors Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne and Yves-Joseph Kerguelen de Trémarec, the southern seas, situated between the roaring forties and the howling fifties, remain an exceptional and demanding area for exploration…

Océans Connectés

When the ocean connects to offshore racing

Created in 2021 on the initiative of Carole Saout-Grit, a physical oceanographer, Océans Connectés is an independent digital media entirely dedicated to marine sciences.

Groupe Bel

Winter refit for Groupe Bel

At the end of December, Kito de Pavant’s Groupe Bel settled in Port Camargue for a winter refit aimed at making a few improvements, confirming them and adapting the 60 foot monohull to the most challenging of adventures, the non-stop single-handed round-the-world race.

Our ocean partners