Text : One globe one ocean, with a texture of sea, and a pinguin

The Vendée Globe aims to use the media impact of the event to raise public awareness of ocean conservation throughout the round-the-world race. By sailing around the world, the Vendée Globe sailors are highlighting the fragility of our oceans faced with global warming. They are direct witnesses to the changes underway, particularly around Antarctica, a region that is under particular threat.

RACE, FEBRUARY 17, 2024 : Photo sent from the boat Singchain Team Haikou during the Vendee Globe sailing race on February 17, 2024. (Photo by skipper Jingkun Xu)

The oceans are struggling with plastics

The common belief conjured up in our imaginations is that the oceans represent pristine nature, far from civilisation and the pollution created by humanity. But this image is quite misleading, because from one side of the globe to the other, the oceans that the Vendée Globe skippers have crossed…

LES SABLES D'OLONNE, FRANCE - OCTOBER 23, 2024: Experts are pictured during an explanation briefing about ARGO floating buoys and photometers use, to skippers, at prestart of the Vendee Globe, on October 23, 2024 in Les Sables d'Olonne, France - (Photo by Anne Beauge / Alea)

Extending scientific measurements to the wider world of sailing

Ifremer scientists are seeking to simplify data collection on board sailing boats to extend the initiative to volunteer leisure sailors.

RACE, DECEMBER 30, 2024 : Photo sent from the boat DeVenir during the Vendee Globe sailing race on December 30, 2024. (Photo by skipper Violette Dorange)

Restoring our relationship with the ocean

The six female skippers who took on this edition of the Vendee Globe - including the youngest skipper ever, male or female – are opening doors for women in sport and ocean sectors and raising awareness among all generations of oceanographic issues and ecosystem preservation.

RACE, DECEMBER 05, 2024 : Photo sent from the boat TeamWork - Team Snef during the Vendee Globe sailing race on December 05, 2024. (Photo by skipper Justine Mettraux)

Marine heatwaves reshaping the Pacific Ocean ecosystem

As they circumnavigate the ocean, the skippers in the Vendee Globe might be noticing a very different ocean than they have in the past as they directly experience the changes in the conditions at sea – this is because of global warming and climate change.

RACE, DECEMBER 28, 2024 : Photo sent from the boat Singchain Team Haikou during the Vendee Globe sailing race on December 28, 2024. (Photo by skipper Jingkun Xu)

Raising public awareness of ocean protection through the World Ocean Assessment III

Raising public awareness of ocean protection and the links between the ocean and climate has never been more important. By sailing around the world, the Vendée Globe skippers are highlighting the fragility of our oceans faced with global warming. They are direct witnesses to the changes underway,…


Blue carbon. Why coastal salt marshes?

While the skippers are now progressively finishing into Les Sables d’Olonne, the start and finish port for the Vendée Globe. Few people appreciate that the nearby Olonne marshes form a veritable laboratory for blue carbon. Coastal salt marshes are low-lying, gently sloping lands found along…


Audacity and mastery of one's environment are the keys to overcoming isolation

While the first skippers are finishing their round-the-world races, the back of the Vendée Globe fleet is finishing its round-the-Antarctic after more than two months at sea. Morale is tested in the headwinds, but these audacious people keep their goal in mind: Les Sables d'Olonne.

RACE, NOVEMBER 29, 2024 : Photo sent from the boat Singchain Team Haikou during the Vendee Globe sailing race on November 29, 2024. (Photo by skipper Jingkun Xu)
NKE buoy

The Ocean initiatives, mission accomplished

As part of the partnership between UNESCO and the IMOCA Class, 25 skippers took scientific instruments on board at the start of the Vendée Globe. The last instrument, an Argos Marget II beacon, was deployed by Clarisse Crémer just after the equator, 3 days ago.

Cap Horn

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current - 100 times stronger than all the rivers combined

The passage of Cape Horn represents the southernmost point of the race, the most intense in terms of current, with a strong presence of ice due to the proximity of Antarctica and powerful winds that complicate navigation.


The French Oceanographic Fleet helps protect the marine envi

With its 17 ships and 6 underwater vehicles, the French Oceanographic Fleet has a team of 1,800 scientists active each year to gain a better understanding of the world’s oceans.


of coral reefs, sharks, associated species, and marine mammals are threatened

Dumont d'Urville

Learn about polar scientific stations

Now that the skippers are well into their circumnavigation of Antarctic it’s a good time to learn about the polar scientific stations which are situated in some of the most remote, hostile parts of the world. A polar station is a stationary hub which is used by scientists to monitor and study the…

Le Marion Dufresne devant l'île Saint-Paul

The Marion Dufresne, a great explorer of the Indian Ocean

Owned by the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (TAAF), the Marion Dufresne, one of the largest scientific research vessels in the world sails on all non-icing oceans. Its unique corer extracts sediments that reveal climate variations. Outside of the period of charter to the French Oceanographic…

RACE, JUNE 09, 2008 : Photo of the satellite SENTINEL 1 provided by the Vendee Globe sailing race partner CLS on December 04, 2024. (Photo by ESA)

The Vendée Globe watched over from space with CLS

As the skippers race in the sometimes ferocious Southern Ocean close to Antarctica, the Vendée Globe is paying extra attention to look after the sailors’ safety. A virtual zone called the Antarctic Exclusion Zone (ZEA) has been set up around Antarctica, prohibiting skippers from getting too close…

LES SABLES D'OLONNE, FRANCE - OCTOBER 22, 2024: Noé Poffa, Ifremer, and CNES representatives are pictured with Freelance.com skipper Guirec Soudée (FRA) while distributing scientific tools in coordination with UNESCO, to skippers  before start of the Vendee Globe, on October 22, 2024 in Les Sables d'Olonne, France - (Photo by Anne Beauge / Alea)

The Agulhas Current, giant swirling whirlpools at the crossroads of three oceans

At the southern tip of the African continent where the Atlantic, Indian and Southern Oceans converge, is the Agulhas Current which forms giant whirlpools several hundred kilometers in diameter. This current is feared by skippers mainly for the the sea conditions which can be kicked up.

Szabolcs Weöres et un flotteur Argo

Argo day: good start for the argo floats!

They are launched! The starting signal for Argo-Day was given today. The ten skippers who volunteered to embark Argo floats have been given the green light to deploy them. Their mission: to help build up the scientific database by collecting information in maritime areas which are remote and less…

RACE, NOVEMBER 30, 2024 : Photo sent from the boat Biotherm during the Vendee Globe sailing race on November 30, 2024. (Photo by skipper Paul Meilhat)

Encounter with the Marine birdlife of the Vendée Globe

The skippers in the Vendée Globe are not only sailing with the winds and currents, but also in the company of some fascinating marine birdlife. The entry into the Southern Ocean was marked by the aerial dance of seabirds, captured on video by the skippers.


of contamination in the marine environment comes from the land.


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