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Raising public awareness of ocean protection through the World Ocean Assessment III

Raising public awareness of ocean protection and the links between the ocean and climate has never been more important. By sailing around the world, the Vendée Globe skippers are highlighting the fragility of our oceans faced with global warming. They are direct witnesses to the changes underway, and by sharing their experiences with us, they are educating people about the ocean and how each one of us can support more sustainable practices.

RACE, DECEMBER 28, 2024 : Photo sent from the boat Singchain Team Haikou during the Vendee Globe sailing race on December 28, 2024. (Photo by skipper Jingkun Xu)
COURSE, 28 DÉCEMBRE 2024 : Photo envoyée depuis le bateau Singchain Team Haikou lors de la course à la voile du Vendée Globe le 28 décembre 2024. (Photo du skipper Jingkun Xu)

In the video below, Dr Tymon Zelinski, a leader of the Climate and Ocean Research and Education Unit at the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, speaks to us from the southern coast  of the Baltic Sea in northern Poland, where the consequences of climate change are increasingly visible. Dr Zelinski speaks about the importance of building public awareness of the existence and consequences of climate change on the world’s oceans. He explains that while scientists are constantly gathering data and working on combatting these issues, they can’t do it alone and that ocean protection involves all of us. Dr Zelinski outlines how the third World Ocean Assessment, to be released later this year, will compile the best data and knowledge on the role of the ocean, its current state, and the consequences of climate change on both.  

This and many other topics are covered in the World Ocean Assessments, the only global integrated assessments of the state of the ocean. Established by the United Nations General Assembly and prepared by hundreds of scientists from all over the world, the Assessments provide a regular review the environmental, economic and social aspects of the world’s ocean. 

Dr. Zelinsky on the consequences of the climate change | Vendée Globe 2024

You can become better informed, take wiser decisions, and help make the ocean better for future generations by checking out the World Ocean Assessments. Find out more about the current state of the world’s ocean and the complex relationship between humans and the ocean.

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