There are two main units in a polar station: the common room and the power station. At least that's what Justin Sargenti, an architect fascinated by Antarctic polar stations, tells us. After visiting several of them, he wrote a thesis on their spatial organization. According to him, the environment at the French base Dumont-d'Urville is so hostile that the living quarters are vital. When katabatic, dense, cold winds blow, visibility is zero. If someone is outside, Ariadne's safety lines are an essential means to get back to the heart of the station. So they are a little bit like the lifelines skippers use to get around the deck and back to the cockpit.
At higher latitudes at the top of Antarctica, for example at Concordia, the temperature is so low in winter that the generator runs on a wire. If it stops and doesn't restart within 24 hours, the mechanism freezes up completely. If this happens then there is no other solution other than to evacuate the station must be evacuated and a survival camp set up. Power generation is absolutely vital in this environment which is inaccessible to emergency services in winter. And so the chief engineer's room is linked to the power station by alarms, and he keeps a constant vigil, watching over the machine. Alarms and regular checks are also the essential routine of the solo skipper. "The day-to-day running of a station is highly codified, with a precise schedule," notes Justin Sargenti.