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The skipper of MACIF, François Gabart, 2012 IMOCA World Champion

François Gabart received on Friday, April 26, the IMOCA World Champion title in Lausanne, Switzerland.

François Gabart marin de l'année IMOCA  2012

The skipper of MACIF succeeds to Jean-Pierre Dick (2010 and 2011) and becomes the ninth and youngest IMOCA World Champion. This title closes two years of work for the fabulous skipper of MACIF and his team.


A prestigious title

In Lausanne, the sports world capital, François Gabart was awarded the 2012 IMOCA World Champion title. For the occasion the skipper of MACIF was surrounded by all the previous winners.

The IMOCA World Champion title is given annually to the best skipper of the IMOCA class. The ranking is based on two years from championship events including the Vendée Globe this year. The skipper of MACIF is the first sailor to win the title and win the Vendée Globe in the same year. Second place in the Europa Warm'Up, first place in the Transat BtoB and first place in Vendée Globe, François has been the most consistent skipper throughout the two years and won the title logically. The skipper of MACIF gives us his impressions...

François Gabart: “I am very happy and very proud. It is also a beautiful price for MACIF. We launched the MACIF 60 program in 2011 after my France Champion title in Figaro offshore sailing. This is the result of two long years of work which shows that we have been performing regularly and even beyond the victory in the Vendée Globe.”


Top 5 ranking IMOCA season 2011-12

1. François GABART - 272 points

2. Armel THE CLEAC'H - 259 Points

3. Alex THOMSON - 231 points

4. Jean-Pierre Dick - 227 points

5. Mike GOLDING - 180 points


Source: Press Service MACIF 60 '

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