Meilhat, who raced his boat in the south during The Ocean Race, adds, “Allowing yourself some rest is what I favour as much as possible, sleep. So I try to take a few naps during the day when I can, even if it's harder to fall asleep during the day, but I take a few naps at night too, it depends. As soon as the conditions are really stable, I really try to sleep as much as possible, and I've managed at times to extend my sleep time a little and not just be in 20-minute nap mode, but start to extend the cycles a little, so I don't feel too tired. Beyond that, it's true that we don't move much, so when we do a maneuver, which is a bit rare, we realize that we're a bit rusty anyway, and a bit tired. I try to stay in shape and be careful! But it's okay, compared to what we're going to have, I think these are still fairly calm conditions, and like everything, we get used to it. But it's true that we can't do much really anyway! A bit of current affairs reading, but I haven't listened to any music or podcasts, it's quite noisy as an environment, after that it's quite cool, the weather is nice, we also enjoy the sea even if it's a bit monotonous, there are no marine animals in this area, no birds, not too many flying fish in the southern hemisphere, I can't wait to see the first albatrosses in a few days!”
And reviewing the weather, Meilhat explains, “We are still very lucky to have what we have so we're making the most of it, going straight like this from Brazil to the Cape of Good Hope, it's still not often, so you have to make the most of it! It’s very capitalist: the richest are richer and the poorest are poorer. The boats in front of me are going to get ahead, that's a bit hard to accept, after that I'm still happy to be here because I'm not too far behind, after that we'll see how it goes next. We start to look at the weather in the Indian Ocean in a week, there are strong winds at Kerguelen, will it happen exactly like that? It could redistribute the cards a little, I try not to be too late anyway compared to the group in front, on the other hand if I can have a good lead on those behind that would be cool! But it is sure that the depression will overtake us, I think in 24 hours, a little more, behind there is no more wind so those who have not managed to reach the South will fall into the Saint Helena anticyclone and be slowed.”