Pushing hard and being rewarded
In fact, at this precise moment, he is sailing to times identical to those of Michel Desjoyeaux during his victory in 2008. He and the others without foils are pushing the limits of their boats, and especially their own. "It's just permanent tension. I think it's all mixed up in my head. My brain keeps reminding me that the finish is not so far away, and paradoxically, the closer I get to it, the more complicated it is. I try to stay focused and not give up mentally. Physically, I'm also worn out. All the efforts are harder and harder. I think it's the first time since the start of the Vendée Globe that I've felt this way,"
“We are sailing in a very strong trade wind, which does not really resemble a normal trade wind: there is no blue sky, everything is grey and covered in clouds. The wind fluctuates between 23 and 30 knots, but it is above all the state of the sea that is trying. The only way to sleep is to be exhausted and that is what happened to me last night when I collapsed like an exhausted dog on its cushion. We are close-hauled, and for the first time since the start of the Vendée Globe, I can really feel the boat suffering with each wave. At times, the wind drops a little. The boat straightens up, climbs the wave, and behind, it falls heavily. It's like skiing: you hit a bump and instead of falling back downhill, you fall brutally on the flat. It blows your knees apart. Here, it's exactly the same feeling. The boat takes it terribly and, inevitably, the sailor suffers with it. "
Thomas Ruyant in seventh is also struggling with his boat as he gets closer to the finish.
"For 36 hours, it's been quite sporty. On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, we were close-hauled with 35 knots of wind and a sea of 5 to 6 meters. It was quite violent, and we really made the boats suffer. I haven't slept much. It's difficult to get to sleep in such conditions. Currently, I have 45 knots. It's quite a rush. Weather-wise, we're well served to finish this Vendée Globe. I would have liked a slightly more peaceful end, but that's how it's been since the beginning! I’m trying not to give up because Justine (Mettraux), who I managed to catch up with, isn’t far away. However, I’m really in a hurry to get there,” he admitted.