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LORIENT, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 12, 2024 : Monnoyeur - Duo for a Job skipper Benjamin Ferré (FRA) is pictured on September 12, 2024 off Lorient, France - Photo by Lou-Kevin Roquais

Sailors face the sleeping challenge

Managing sleep, or rather the lack of it. This is one of the key skills that Vendée Globe sailors must master, and one that generates the most attention and the most questions. On this World Sleep Day, two of them agreed to tell us a few secrets about their relationship with the pillow, before,…

LES SABLES D'OLONNE, FRANCE - 08 MARS 2025 : Le skipper de D'Ieteren Group Denis Van Weynbergh (BEL) est photographié en studio après avoir pris la dernière place du Vendée Globe, 1 jour après que la ligne d'arrivée ait été fermée sportivement, et donc non classée, le 08 mars 2025 aux Sables d'Olonne, France - (Photo by Vincent Curutchet / Alea)
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LES SABLES D'OLONNE, FRANCE - 08 MARS 2025 : Le skipper de D'Ieteren Group Denis Van Weynbergh (BEL) est photographié lors de sa conférence de presse après avoir pris la dernière place du Vendée Globe, 1 jour après que la ligne d'arrivée ait été fermée sportivement, et donc non classée, le 08 mars 2025 aux Sables d'Olonne, France - (Photo by Vincent Curutchet / Alea)
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Water bottles Gobi

Denis Van Weynbergh | Conférence de presse | Vendée Globe 2024
Denis Van Weynbergh (D'Ieteren Group).

Denis Van Weynbergh: "I tried to sail like a good father...I didn’t have the courage or the talent to do otherwise!"

This morning after an express but emotional and popular welcome into the Channel Belgian skipper Denis Van Weynbergh was finally able to let go of the seemingly interminable stress and enjoy a fantastic return to Les Sables d’Olonne. The skipper of D'Ieteren Group was reunited with his loved ones…

LES SABLES D'OLONNE, FRANCE - 08 MARS 2025 : Le skipper de D'Ieteren Group Denis Van Weynbergh (BEL) est félicité par Alain Leboeuf (Président SAEM Vendée) après avoir pris la dernière place du Vendée Globe, 1 jour après que la ligne d'arrivée ait été fermée sportivement, donc non classée, le 08 mars 2025 aux Sables d'Olonne, France - (Photo by Olivier Blanchet / Alea)
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Channel passage of Denis Van Weynbergh, out of the race in the 2024 Vendée Globe
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LES SABLES D’OLONNE, FRANCE - MARCH 08, 2025 : D’Ieteren Group skipper Denis Van Weynbergh (BEL) is photographed taking last place in the Vendee Globe, 1 day after the finish line had been closed sport-wise, hence not being classified, on March 08, 2025 in Les Sables d'Olonne, France - (Photo by Vincent Curutchet / Alea)

Belgian skipper Denis Van Weynbergh is back in Les Sables d’Olonne

Belgian skipper Denis Van Weynbergh completes solo non stop round the world passage but finishes outside the 2024 Vendée Globe ranking. Denis Van Weynbergh, skipper of D’Ieteren Group, arrived in Les Sables D’Olonne this morning to complete his solo non stop round the world passage but the 57 year…

Vendée Globe 2024 an extraordinary event recaptured over 52 minutes
In brief

Join us at 7pm (french time) for the race documentary: an extraordinary event recaptured over 52 minutes

Denis’ arrival brings this incredible edition of the Vendée Globe to a close. He can be proud of his round the world passage! He showed courage and incredible commitment to bring his boat back to Les Sables d’Olonne. May he enjoy these last moments at sea and savour this final passage up the channel in this edition, which promises to be memorable and worthy of his fighting spirit.

Denis Van Weynbergh (D'Ieteren Group).

Saturday can't come soon enough for Denis

The skipper of D'Ieteren Group is currently making progress in the Bay of Biscay. Every hour and every mile brings him closer to the Vendée finish but he continues to work hard to look after his boat

LES SABLES D'OLONNE, FRANCE - NOVEMBER 9, 2024: Public is photographed at sunset during prestart of the Vendee Globe, on November 9, 2024 in Les Sables d'Olonne, France - (Photo by Jean-Louis Carli / Alea)

Your best moments

What stands out from this 2024 edition of the "Everest of the Seas" and from the 40 solo sailors who set off on 10th November 2024? Many of you responded to our call for your best memories, and we let you choose your 10 favourite race facts from this tenth edition!

Denis Van Weynbergh (D'Ieteren Group).

Determination personified, Denis is getting there

Now having logged 115 days at sea Denis Ven Weynbergh is the last skipper still racing in this Vendée Globe. The Belgian skipper of D’Ieteren Group (33rd) is exhausted from the constant effort, the sheer difficulty in making small miles after his technical problems

RACE, FEBRUARY 17, 2024 : Photo sent from the boat Singchain Team Haikou during the Vendee Globe sailing race on February 17, 2024. (Photo by skipper Jingkun Xu)

The oceans are struggling with plastics

The common belief conjured up in our imaginations is that the oceans represent pristine nature, far from civilisation and the pollution created by humanity. But this image is quite misleading, because from one side of the globe to the other, the oceans that the Vendée Globe skippers have crossed…

Vincent Riou

Vincent Riou : "a very high level generally"

Vincent Riou is a part of the very exclusive club of Vendée Globe winners, triumphing a little over 20 years ago, on February 2, 2005 after 87 days and 10 hours at sea. As he prepares to compete on a new season in Class40, Riou took the time to take stock of this 10th edition of the Vendée Globe…