Louis Duc is currently in 24th place, 800 miles from the finish.
Daggerboard broken on Fives Group – Lantana Environnement
The port daggerboard on Louis Duc’s Imoca Fives Group – Lantana Environnement broke last night:
The boat accelerated suddenly, heeled over a bit so leant hard on the daggerboard, it broke cleanly just above the well. I was glad it was the daggerboard and not something else. I stopped the boat, changed to the J4 and set off again. This morning, with the camera I saw that the break was clean. There is no water ingress, everything is fine. For the moment it is not penalizing me. Afterwards, we will see it can’t be good, that is for sure. For the moment the this tack is a bit haphazard, so it is fine even if the daggerboard helped us a little. We do not know the end of the course: it changes all the time. For the moment we have a long tack that takes us to the Fastnet, even if I would like to avoid going that far. Then it would be a long port tack for which, depending on the models, it will be either windy or light… And the isobar charts are suggesting a south-easterly, nothing agrees! We will see!