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Footage of Kito de Pavant’s collision

Just a month after the start of the Vendée Globe, on 6th December in the middle of the Indian Ocean to the north of the Crozet Islands, Kito de Pavant and his Bastide Otio hit an unidentified floating object. The damage was fatal for the boat and the skipper was forced to abandon the race and his monohull.... Fortunately, the French vessel, the Marion Dufresne, which delivers supplies to the French islands in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean, was sailing close to the area when the incident happened. Kito was rescued and taken aboard the ship, which continued her delivery trip. A few months later, they were able to watch the videos recorded on the hard disk aboard the boat, and discovered that the unidentified object was in fact a sperm whale, which was clearly visible in the wake of the boat. You can watch the video here. Hang on tight!

Images de l'avarie de Kito de Pavant

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