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ETA of next boats

In brief

Equator crossing times (return)

LES SABLES D’OLONNE, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 12, 2025 : STAND AS ONE - Altavia skipper Eric Bellion (FRA) is photographed during his press conference after finishing the Vendee Globe off-race, on February 12, 2025 in Les Sables d'Olonne, France - (Photo by Fred Olivier / Nefsea / Alea)

Éric Bellion: "I learned that I am a happy man"

This Wednesday mid-morning, Éric Bellion, skipper of Stand as One – Altavia, arrived back in Les Sables d'Olonne after 93 days of sailing around the planet. Sadly mechanical problems meant he had to stop in the Falklands and so although he sailed solo round the globe he does not rank as a finisher…

Water bottles Gobi

LES SABLES D'OLONNE, FRANCE - 12 FEVRIER 2025 : STAND AS ONE - Le skipper d'Altavia Eric Bellion (FRA) est photographié lors de sa conférence de presse après avoir terminé le Vendée Globe hors course, le 12 février 2025 aux Sables d'Olonne, France - (Photo by Fred Olivier / Nefsea / Alea)
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LES SABLES D'OLONNE, FRANCE - 12 FEVRIER 2025 : STAND AS ONE - Le skipper d'Altavia Eric Bellion (FRA) fête avec des fusées éclairantes son arrivée hors course du Vendée Globe, le 12 février 2025 aux Sables d'Olonne, France - (Photo by Olivier Blanchet / Alea)
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Sam Davies et Violette Dorange

Sam Davies and Violette Dorange two hearts join as one on Initiatives-Cœur

The Vendée Globe has long since proven to be much more than a solo race around the world. It is a human adventure which shapes lives and which very often develops destinies. On this edition one of the outstanding stories has been that of Violette Dorange becoming the youngest ever skipper to finish…

In brief

Damage to masthead wind sensor on board Nexans - Wewise

Un double arc-en-ciel pour Jingkun Xu | Vendée Globe 2024
Yoann Richomme lors de sa conférence de presse.

Yoann Richomme: "My recovery is taking up all my energy"

MY RETURN TO DRY LAND (2/3). Vendée Globe runner up Yoann Richomme has the voice of someone who is still emerging from a sustained, tough battle. But it is not just the recovery from the race that Richomme is struggling with but trying to shake off a bad bout of flu that has confined him to bed for…

Oliver Heer : "I made the decision to go south "

RACE, DECEMBER 05, 2024 : Photo sent from the boat TeamWork - Team Snef during the Vendee Globe sailing race on December 05, 2024. (Photo by skipper Justine Mettraux)

Marine heatwaves reshaping the Pacific Ocean ecosystem

As they circumnavigate the ocean, the skippers in the Vendee Globe might be noticing a very different ocean than they have in the past as they directly experience the changes in the conditions at sea – this is because of global warming and climate change.

RACE, FEBRUARY 08, 2024 : Photo sent from the boat Singchain Team Haikou during the Vendee Globe sailing race on February 08, 2024. (Photo by skipper Jingkun Xu)

Hanging in there

Antoine Cornic (Human Immobilier) is less than 100 nautical miles to Cape Finisterre this morning and has reaching conditions, 20-22kts of wind from just north of west. He is making steady progress, keeping focused and staying safe as he seeks to complete the final 500 miles or so across the Bay of…

LES SABLES D'OLONNE, FRANCE - 10 FEVRIER 2025 : Le Club des Skippers Finishers composé du skipper de DMG MORI Global One Kojiro Shiraishi (JAP), de la skipper de DeVenir Violette Dorange (FRA), du skipper de Fives Group - Lantana Environnement Louis Duc (FRA) et du skipper de FOUSSIER Sébastien Marsset (FRA) est photographié dans le village d'arrivée du Vendée Globe, le 10 février 2025 aux Sables d'Olonne, France - (Photo by Vincent Curutchet / Alea)
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RACE, FEBRUARY 09, 2025 : Photo sent from the boat D’Ieteren Group during the Vendee Globe sailing race on February 09, 2025. (Photo by skipper Denis Van Weynbergh)

Getting there one step at a time

After a truly unforgettable weekend during which five skippers finished their Vendée Globes and enjoyed their welcome back into the Les Sables d’Olonne channel, there are six racers still out on the Atlantic ocean racing and two continuing their respective journeys.

Charlie Dalin (MACIF Santé Prévoyance) lors de sa conférence de presse.

Charlie Dalin: "I am very happy to be back on land"

MY RETURN TO LAND (1/3). Charlie Dalin won the Vendée Globe more than twenty five days ago, setting a significant new record for the race (64 days and 19 hours). After the high emotions of the finish, there was the media tour of Paris before finally returning home. Champion Dalin is now enjoying a…

Denis Van Weynbergh: "I'm sailing like a good family's father"

LES SABLES D'OLONNE, FRANCE - 09 FEVRIER 2025 : Sébastien Marsset (FRA), skipper de FOUSSIER, est photographié en studio après avoir pris la 27e place du Vendée Globe, le 09 février 2025 aux Sables d'Olonne, France - (Photo by Jean-Marie LIOT / Alea)
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LES SABLES D'OLONNE, FRANCE - 09 FEVRIER 2025 : Le skipper de Fives Group - Lantana Environnement Louis Duc (FRA) est photographié en studio après avoir pris la 26ème place du Vendée Globe, le 09 février 2025 aux Sables d'Olonne, France - (Photo by Jean-Marie LIOT / Alea)
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